Lu Liang

This is Liang's new life from 2018

A tour to the runtime of kubeless

kubeless is a Kubernetes-native serverless framework and it leverages Kubernetes resources to provide auto-scaling, API routing, monitoring, trouble..

How to develop a beat

ELK(Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)几乎已经成为cloud上面标准的日志收集及展示解决方案。这里我们探讨一下ELK中的日志收集组件beat的原理,以及如何实现一个定制的beat。 beat在ELK中的位置如下图所示:beat在ELK中用于收集各种数据并且输入到..

Delve, a better go debugger

Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language. We can debug and explore go program with it easily. InstallationDelve can be installed by “go g..

Explore go runtime engine

Go runtime engine是Go语言中非常有意思的部分。下面我们通过go的hello_world来初步分析,探索一下它的启动顺序及调用函数和源程序文件。 hello_world source code.This is the source code of hello_world. The..

Play with minikube, helm, metallb and istio

kubernetes是容器世界的主要编排工具。熟悉并掌握kubernetes上的相关技能,在当前云计算领域是必不可少的。本文主要介绍一下如何在mac上安装minikube,并尝试使用helm,metallb及Istio. virtual environmentminikube可以支持使用多种虚拟..


Git和Jenkins的集成中,主要是在git api, git hooks,git alias, git plugin for Jenkins 及Jenkins API 等中间做文章。下面就来介绍一下这几种集成方法。 Use Github Webhooks很多的project都是利用githu..


Jupyter notebook is an popular and excellent tool in data scientists. They can use it to create, verify and share model via their favorite programin..

